The 2 most requested items in our last post-race survey will be addressed this weekend:
#1 MORE SPACE IN TRANSITION - To allow more space in transition, we will be changing to 2 sided racking on the bike racks. This will allow you to put your shoes, helmet, etc. in the space to your left as that person will be on the other side of the rack and put their stuff behind your bike. Also, each rack space is marked with 2 black lines to define each space so nobody hogs up more than their share of the rack. IMPORTANT: Your handlebars should be on your side of the bike rack to prevent them from snagging the bikes next to you. Please see the illustration below for racking instructions:

We will send another copy of these Final Instructions on Saturday that will include an illustration of the transition area with the rack number locations so you'll be able to go right to your racking spot on race morning without fumbling around in the dark. We are also adding lights to both sides of transition so the numbers are easy to read before sunrise regardless of which side you are racked on.
#2 SMALL POOL TO RINSE FEET - We will place a small pool next to the run entrance of transition for you to rinse the sand off your feet after coming from the beach to transition. Also, this will be improved from the last race as we switched to inflatable pools as the plastic pools were too slippery!