How do Series Points work?

The series points you receive is based on the following factors:

1. Each race is given an average points value. Generally, Sprint Triathlons are 100 and Intermediate Triathlons are 108 as there is usually stiffer competition the longer the race gets.

2. Each racer’s time is converted into number of seconds. For example, if you finished in 1 hour that would be 3600 seconds (1 hour x 60 minutes in an hour x 60 seconds in each minute).

3. The average time, in seconds, for all finishers is determined. If the average time was 1 hour, then the average time would be 3600 seconds. The average time is used as a base rather than the winning time as the average finish time does not fluctuate much based on the time of 1 elite or 1 very slow racer, thus creating a better base for the points system.

4. The average finish time is then divided by each racer’s time and multiplied by the race’s points value. For example, if you finished in 1 hour and the average time was 1 hour, you would get 100 points in a sprint triathlon (3600/3600*100). If the winning time was 45 minutes (45 minutes x 60 seconds per minute = 2700 seconds), that person would get 133.33 points (3600/2700*100).